heidi mnkandhla

Praying for Staff

by Heidi Mnkandhla

"Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life, and imitate their faith"

-Hebrews 13:7

Have you ever felt the weight of humanities troubles on your shoulders? The burden in your heart for human souls? The responsibility of loving the unlovable by putting your personal opinion aside for the purpose of Christ being glorified?

Church staff carry a unique opportunity to not only serve in tangible ways to the body of Christ but also to impact souls and hearts through the work in ministry. Church staff honor Christ through guiding believers in the gospel, providing tangible ways to serve church members and love on others selflessly. It is a high honor and privilege to do so, but it is often a place of high burn out. Praying for our staff members is the most important and most needed way to serve them. Weekly, they are in need of God's guidance, wisdom and direction as they lead ministries, hearts, and lives in the Gospel. Let us thank God for our church staff and their devoted service to our church family as we pray for them today that God would keep their sincerity and integrity genuine and their hearts close to Jesus no matter what trials they face inside and outside church. 

“Sovereign Father, we pray that our church staff will love the body of Christ as You have loved them. By this all will know that they are Your disciples. We ask that they will be strong and immovable as they go about their daily tasks. That they will always work enthusiastically for Your glory, knowing that nothing they do for You is ever useless. When they are met with opposition, challenges, rudeness, or disrespect, we plead that they will keep a calm demeanor, trusting You to fight their battles. We ask Lord that loyalty and kindness never leave them. That they would cling to your word as a reminder within their hearts that Christ is the reason and the prize of their service and love to the body of Christ”.