Disrupted Prayer

Acts 16:16  Once, as we were on our way to prayer,  a slave girl met us who had a spirit by which she predicted the future. She made a large profit for her owners by fortune-telling.  


 In many discussions with Christians on their prayer life, the subject of disruptions often comes up. 

Isn’t it funny how prayer time suddenly gets thrown a curve by a crying baby, a phone ringing, a kettle whistling, or a hundred other possible intrusions? Isn’t it amazing how many things pop into our heads that suddenly need to be taken care of just at the moment we sit down to pray? 

Sadly, the same thing even happens in prayer groups. An individual wants to give an unending account of a situation before the group can pray about it. Or another prays and prays and prays causing a numbing effect on those waiting their turn to pray next. 

Satan is a master distractor, and what Paul and Silas experienced was a slave girl who began to follow them as they were going to pray.                                                 She had a demonic spirit through which she predicted the future, which also provided a nice profit for the the owners of this fortune teller.

She was stating the truth about Paul and Silas, but it was not to God’s glory but rather promoting her trade. (Something to think about in relation to present day charismatic ‘prophets.’) 

Paul endured it for “many days” but was getting more and more annoyed. He finally turned to her and cast out her evil spirit. Amazingly, as we will see in the next lesson, this act would be a major catalyst to the spread of the gospel in this region of the world. On your way to prayer, be prepared for God to use you in ways you never imagined. 


Dear Lord God, may we approach your throne in prayer knowing that you are able to do exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think. May we recognize the difference between the work of the Enemy who wishes to distract us, and your leading to serve in a necessary way at that moment. Open our hearts and minds to receive the answers we do not expect. 

(Continue this prayer as the Holy Spirit directs you personally.