Yesterday we began a Series of sermons entitled: How then shall we live, as a response to the Story of God Series. We spent our first sermon examining texts that show us what God is about so that we can also be about that as people created in His Image. Romans 11:33-36 clearly shows us that God is about making his name famous, about putting all that he is(wisdom, strength, greatness, goodness, grace, justice, holiness, beauty) on display for the world to see and savor. He wants to be seen, known, loved and lived for.

Please take sometime to listen to the sermon, if you didn’t below

The theme of the glory of God is found through out the scriptures. Examine these verses attached below. We advise that you take them and meditate on them this week.

At the service we also passed this document taken from Thomas Watson’s book Body Of Divinity titled “How many ways may we glorify God. This was summarized by our Elder Larry Stout. Please take some time to read through this short document and prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to begin his work of transforming you. Download the document below.

We are excited to dive deeper into this topic this week in Homegroups you can find and join one by clicking on a button below. Make sure you also check out our discussion sheet for homegroup below too.

we hope you have an amazing week.

- Pastor Raphael