Surprising Prayer

Acts 11:5  “I was in the town of Joppa praying, and I saw,  in a trance, an object that resembled a large sheet coming down, being lowered by its four corners from heaven,               and it came to me.”


The event of Gentiles receiving the Holy Spirit, clearly demonstrating that they were also included in the Kingdom of God, must have had a tremendous impact on Peter. 

Thus he was the best spokesperson to present this new pathway of the gospel for his fellow Jews. He was being criticized by the circumcision party (11:2) who felt Paul had crossed a line. Paul decided to walk them through it step by step (Acts 11:4). 

Paul sympathized with his fellow Jews who were offended that he had met and ate with uncircumcised people, but he not that it while he was will be was still speaking (Acts 10:44) that the Holy Spirit poured down on those people. From this, Peter boldly acknowledged that they were equal to Jews who had received Christ as Savior, and thus commanded that they be all baptized in the name of Jesus Christ (10:48). 

The early church was still trying to determine how much of the old covenant law was still valid in light of the new covenant inaugurated by Jesus life, death, and resurrection. Apparently this ‘circumcision party’ was an influential group that felt that the practice of circumcision was still a deal-breaker. Peter faced them when he returned to Jerusalem, and his defense began by noting that his actions were prefaced by his prayers. 

Peter gave a straight-forward account of what happened and concluded, “If then, God gave them the same gift that he also gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, how could I possibly hinder God?” (11:17). 

They became silent…and then they glorified God. 


Dear Lord Jesus, you often answer our prayers in ways that we never imagined, sometimes even with suffering. But we know ultimately it is all for our good, and thus we thank you and praise you for your everlasting lovingkindness.

(Continue this prayer as the Holy Spirit directs you personally.)