Preparation Prayer

Acts 10:9  The next day, as they were traveling and nearing  the city, Peter went up to pray on the roof about noon.  


Jesus’ commission to the disciples to go to Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria was one thing, but going to “the outermost parts of the world” to spread the gospel meant sharing the gospel with Gentiles, and that was a especially a tough nut for the Apostle Peter to chew on, nevertheless swallow. 

Yet Peter was meant to be the forerunner, and the Lord was going to have give him quite a shove for him to get out of his comfort zone of Jewish people. In Acts 1-5 we see Peter in Jerusalem, in Acts 8 he is in Samaria, (technically not Jewish but not quite Gentiles, either). In Acts 9 he is at Lydda and Joppa, which were considered Judea. Up to this time, none of the cities that Peter has gone to were technically Gentile cities. The Lord is going to have to give Peter a healthy push to get him to cross that line. 

And He does so through Peter’s prayers. He is heading to the city of Caesarea which is obviously named after Caesar and is also headquarters of the 10th Roman Legion. Even though this city was in Judea, the city was essentially half Jewish and half Gentile, accommodating for the Roman officials and soldiers with their families. History also records that it was the home of Pontius Pilate. Peter knew that this was undoubtedly going to be the most challenging place he had yet ministered at, and thus he sought the Lord’s help through prayer. 

He went up on roof of the place he was staying (probably for privacy) and yet did so at noon, arguably the hottest time of the day. It spoke of Peter’s intensity for the situation he was facing. Peter’s example to us is clear — when the chips are down, start looking up!  


We praise you, Lord Jesus, that you promised us that you would never leave us or abandon us. We especially need this confidence during those times when we find ourselves in uncharted places, yet it is where you have placed us. Give us that peace that passes our under-standing as we seek your face in prayer. 

(Continue this prayer as the Holy Spirit directs you personally.)