Commissioning Prayer

Acts 6:6 “They had them stand before the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them.”   


Eugene Peterson once stated, “The most important thing a pastor does is stand in the pulpit every Sunday and say, ‘Let us worship God.’”  

If you would ask a dozen different pastors what their job was in the church they would probably give you a laundry list of activities; preaching, teaching, leading, counseling, managing, helping, witnessing, and so on. When the church was being founded among those first disciples, the leadership recognized that they had two primary duties that they must prioritize —  prayer and ministering the Word of God. 

This was a very critical time for the church. Remember, Peter and John had already been detained by the same Sanhedrin that had condemned Jesus to death. Their emphasis on prayer and Scripture was because these were the bedrock disciplines that they could not do without. Yet, they also recognizes that there were other needs in the church that were also critical. 

To emphasize that these were not secondary areas, they created a new office know as deacons. They were designed as the apostles extra hands. As they were ordaining them, they first prayed. This kind of intense devoted prayer is necessary for deacons as well as elders because all those ministry activities for deacons are likewise fraught with challenges and difficulties.  

Prayer is acknowledging that this work is divine work — it is participating in the building project that Jesus himself promised, that HE would build His church. This example should be etched into our hearts. 


Dear Lord God, we ask for your blessing upon those who lead in the offices of our church. May they be devoted to prayer.  We pray that all who serve would acknowledge that it is your grace that enables them to serve…

(Continue this prayer as the Holy Spirit directs you personally.)