Discipline of  Prayer 

Acts 2:42. “ They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer


The disciples had three disciplines that they were devoted to. These should be a focus for every body of believers. 

They first were devoted to teachings, particularly those that came from those who heard it from Jesus. Today, we are blessed in the same way through the Scriptures, God’s holy Word. 

They also were also devoted to fellowship, which is the Greek word, “koinonia.” This was holy, covenantal fellowship that implied a deep, close-knit participation which included worship and the elements of communion (‘breaking of bread.’) 

The third discipline was prayer. Scripture is the food that we take in, fellowship is how we live it out, and prayer is how we look up to our Lord God for our everything necessary for life and godliness.            Philemon 1:6 shows this integration beautifully, “I pray that your participation in the faith may become effective through knowing every good thing that is in us for the glory of Christ.” 

The word “disciple” has the same root as the word “discipline.” A true disciple of Jesus Christ is not just one who has made a confession of faith but one who has made a life-changing decision to follow Jesus. The early church understood this and it changed the world.


Our Lord Jesus, forgive us for being “devoted” to things of this world more than the things that produce holiness and godliness. We know that none of us has it all together, but together as we worship as you directed us and focus on your Word and your mercy to us, we find strength beyond ourselves. 

(Continue this prayer as the Holy Spirit directs you personally. Remember, he hears our hearts, so simply pour out your heart to Him.)