Earl Neff has been an elder at Citychurch for over fourteen years. Born and raised in Lancaster County, he now lives in Montoursville where he and his wife Connie have raised their four children for the past thirty years.
Earl and Connie have been invaluable support ministers to the work of Citychurch. Earl has coordinated the many facets of maintenance support necessary for an eighty-year-old, four-story building. Among other things, Earl was the project coordinator for the massive sanctuary renovation that took place in 2000. In addition, over the years Earl has been the primary visitor to shut-ins and has consistently been a home group leader, particularly to new believers. Connie has been a valuable asset as well, primarily focusing on Sunday school activities.
They are like Apostle Paul serving in a ‘tent-making’ mode as they also are owners of a kitchen remodeling business named Covenant Builders. They named it thus because the Neff’s believe that are serving the Lord by running a business to God’s glory. The name is to represent the idea that they are in covenant with God, even in the business world.
Earl Neff represents the best of the Christian example that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 5:16, “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”